Our ideas have legs. Sometimes four.

Dims. is an LA-based furniture brand democratising good design.

Personality Pack™

Your points of difference, shared with personality. There’s no point being different if you’re not distinct.


Gives people a good feel for your brand in ten words or fewer.

Brand stories

Philosophical. Educational. An about us page with extra feeling.

Product descriptions

Structure, format and craft. We write for swimmers, skimmers and divers so you don’t get caught with an abandoned cart.

Functional furniture with feeling. At Dims., we take furniture design seriously. Chin-scratchingly seriously. Losing it over a sleek modernist curve seriously. But it’s not just about making beautiful objects for our eyes to rest on. It’s also about creating the perfect places to drink coffee in the morning, feed our friends in the evening, and kick up our feet at night... repeat.

We make no bones about honoring the best of what’s been. The understated genius of Shaker, Japanese, and Nordic traditions taught us that less usually says more, and that humble need never be dull. But it’s not enough to be inspired by these time-honored beliefs. We need to reinterpret them for this delightful mess we call modern living. And when our objects speak in terms that give us tingles (not pins and needles) we know we’re onto something: a Dims. original.

A word (or 93) from our founder. Great design is something to aspire to, but attainability shouldn’t be an afterthought. At Dims, we factor this in from the very beginning. Why create something universally beautiful that can only be appreciated by a select few? And why compromise on materials now, when great pieces should be enjoyed for generations? The Dims. answer: a collection of designer pieces, without the designer price tag. All with a level of quality that ensures longevity. Design can be seen as an evolution, but every so often something bold and unconventional bucks the trend. That’s Dims. — Eugene Kim

  • Our ideas have legs. Sometimes four.

    Who said beautiful furniture has to be exclusive? Dims. is turning the tables by creating designer furniture that the most pragmatic among us can afford. We’re saving the world from the ugliness of ordinariness, one Dims. original at a time.

  • Beautiful and in your league.

    Who said good design needs an elitist price tag? Not us. At Dims, exclusive furniture doesn’t exclude. So our price tags will always be as attractive as our tables, chairs, and beds. Window shop if you like. And know that you can also take us home.

  • Furniture with feeling.

    Dims. furniture is built with deft hands and a conscious heart. It’s made of quality timber and the finest environmentally friendly adhesives, so it’s 100% toxic free. While we’re not ‘materialistic’ we use only the best materials. Why build furniture any other way?

  • Turning the tables on ‘mid-century’.

    We take the most honored aspects of Shaker, Japanese, and Nordic design traditions and inject them with the free-thinking casual qualities of today. Equal parts old and new, Dims. is designing the classics of tomorrow, yesterday.

Dims. Taglines
  • We’re standing up (and sitting down) for transparency.

    99% of furniture companies don’t want you to know their costs. This time, we’re the 1%. At Dims., we’ve got nothing to hide. From material costs to our (very reasonable) markups, we’ll break down every dollar and cent. While some call this model radical, we call it common curtesy.

  • Let’s bring this home.

    Ladies and gents, we’ve commissioned a troupe of the world’s most exciting talent to create the most artfully designed, carefully considered tables out there. Every curated piece of furniture has earned its place in our lineup. Who needs 50 tables to choose from? At Dims, less selection is more. Next up: things to sit on.

  • Furniture for the future.

    Design should evolve as we do. But in a quest for short-term gain, many furniture-makers are holding the industry back. Dims.is playing the long game. We started by searching the globe for the freshest, boldest emerging designers of today, then gave them a tight brief to create the furniture of the future, priced for today.

  • Pricing, minus the veneer.

    The truth about high-end furniture: retail markups can multiply faster than you can say your times tables. At Dims., our only big overhead is a weekly payment to our barista and the only window dressing is our website. There’s no middleman because we sell direct. So, before the others lay it on thicker than a knife-peddling infomercial, consider Dims.